(Currently UPDATED 06-2019)
.dr5 B&W-slide Processing: Call for production
DEV-2-SEPIA - Running as a regular service. CALL for turn times.

NOTE - ALL DEV-2 sepia roll carry $3.00 surcharge - per ROLL. NOTE - We have revamped the SEPIA dr5
service. Cost to run SEPIA chromes on a regular basis has become prohibitive. Instead of eliminating the service altogether, we added a surcharge for those who are in need of sepia-chromes. Turn-times are greatly extended for this service. ALL dr5-sepia films have to be developed by hand.

      DEV-2-SEPIA BW-SLIDES  Review                    DEV-1-neutral Review - here
Click the film tabs below
to get shooting & film-type details, speed & photo samples for dr5-processing. The dr5 process is for producing B&W SEPIA transparencies from almost any currently available B&W film, including SCALA film. Below are the links for the DEV-2 SEPIA transparency service.

DEV-2 is where dr5 started. Proven impervious to environmental damage. The chemistry formulation produces a tonality that can not be produced in photoshop.

The ISO's listed on each link below are suggested starting ISO's and Exposure index. Consider all these B&W films as new films! We strongly suggest you test the films you are interested in before using the process for something important. dr5 completely changes these films from their negative counter-parts, the exception would be SCALA-film. Though we have thoroughly tested all these films in the dr5process, our normal ISO might differ slightly from yours. Its up to you to establish the speed/exposure best for you. Be confident that dr5 is very stable. When you submit film for processing we require a 'shot ISO', REGARDLESS of the factory speed. The iso you choose for any of the below films, that film is treated as the iso you shot it at.

NOTE - ALL DEV-2 sepia rolls cannot be run past normal dr5-iso.

EXAMPLE: HP5-400 @1000iso then becomes 1000iso film. Again, be confident that the dr5 line is very stable !
Use the freshest film obtainable and test old film stock before you use it for dr5.
ATTENTION: 'FUJI ACROS' users; ACROS 'will not' reverse-process.
. No one was more upset than us that this film would not run in our process. ACROS will not run in dr5.



DISCONTINUED FILMS: NOTE; We will continue to run ALL discontinued films.
other discontinued films run in dr5: macoPO, macoTP, APX100

The following below films are not recommended or CANNOT be run through the dr5-process
(call for some old or unlisted films)  • ALL E6, ALL C-41., Kodachrome

           Independent dr5 tests         CALENDAR        ORDER-PRINT-OUT       glossary     

    FILM REVIEW - dr5 processed films